[The Hole's Posts]


Here you will find posts from the people of The Hole (aside from the first post, which is on the main home page). Self-explanatory, really.


(Created Sunday, January 28, 2024)

Hello again! :-]

The weekend has been quite busy, yet also lazy for me. Today, I microwaved some spaghetti in the fridge with added cheese and some butter (which also has tomato sauce in it - you didn't expect me to eat that stuff, didn't you?? lol). It's pretty filling! ^^

I also doodled this little kitty thing today:

I'm not sure what else to say for this post..uhh I added some more links to the "Awesome Links" page btw. (including some cursed ones)

That's about it for this post, have a good afternoon! ^_^

(Created Wednesday, January 31, 2024)

Hello again! I have some BIG NEWS :0


That is INSANE (to me). Thank you so much, interneters!

The new holeposters I added here don't know much about coding in html..I told them a bit about it but idk if they'll get around to it anytime soon.. -z-

ANYWHO!! It's almost the end of the week and things have been weird. Like...I got to dissect sheep brains on monday! yeah that's gross 7-7 but i had to do it

Also it's the last day of January today. January for me felt slow, even though it usually went fast (but i think that's because of work and stuff). How has your January felt?

That's about it once again, except for the fact that I saw a kid watching Total Drama Island while making a bracelet yesterday. Bye!!!


(P.S., I also changed the holeposter's signatures to emojis for simplification, if that's alright xp)

(Created Friday, February 2, 2024)

Good evening all, it's February!

And with February, it's love! Yep, it's love month :D!

This week was hectic work-wise. AGAIN. But I'm surviving!!! (kind of..)

I'll add some more stuff to this site later when I (hopefully) have some more time..hopefully. xp

post is DONE i go to HOME



(more posts soon to come)


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