[The Hole]

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welcome to the hole

we throw our thoughts into said hole

and watch the internet burn from words

hope you enjoy it while it lasts

(/o-o)/ ♡ i love you internet friend


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(Created Friday, January 26, 2024)

Woah, a website :0

Hello interneters!!! This is the hole! (you post words here and such in this format kinda)

I'm not sure what to say for the first post here...but I hope you'll enjoy the website while it lasts (as the motto above says, lol).

Thanks! ^_^


This is the first post from The Hole.

To see more posts from said hole, you can click here to find more posts like this.


The hole was formed on January 26, 2024.

You can email The Hole here: thehole356@gmail.com (for inquiries on joining the hole + discord server, photo/fun link showcases, etc.)

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